Our Approach to Ulcer Healing

At Benville Vein Practice, we use a multi-faceted approach to treat and heal venous ulcers. Our goal is to address the underlying causes of the ulcers, promote healing, and prevent recurrence.

Advanced Wound Care

We provide state-of-the-art wound care treatments that are tailored to each patient’s needs. These include:

  • Debridement: The removal of dead or damaged tissue to promote healing.
  • Dressings and Bandages: Specialised dressings are applied to protect the ulcer and maintain a moist environment, which is crucial for healing.
  • Compression Therapy: Using compression stockings or bandages to improve blood flow and reduce swelling.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

To address the underlying venous insufficiency, we offer several minimally invasive procedures:

  • Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT): A laser fibre is used to close off the faulty veins, redirecting blood flow to healthier veins.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): This technique uses radiofrequency energy to seal the problematic veins.
  • Sclerotherapy: A sclerosant is injected into the affected veins, causing them to collapse and be absorbed by the body.

Medication Management

We may prescribe medications to help manage pain, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection. These medications are tailored to your specific condition and needs.

Preventing Future Ulcers

Preventing future venous ulcers is a critical component of our treatment plan. We provide our patients with comprehensive guidance and support to help them maintain healthy veins and prevent recurrence.

Lifestyle Modifications

Our specialists will work with you to develop a personalized plan that may include:

  • Regular Exercise: To improve circulation and strengthen the muscles that support your veins.
  • Healthy Diet: A balanced diet can help maintain a healthy weight and improve overall vascular health.
  • Leg Elevation: Regularly elevating your legs can reduce swelling and improve blood flow.

Compression Therapy

Continuing the use of compression stockings can be vital in preventing future ulcers. We will provide you with the appropriate compression garments and instructions on their use.

Regular Monitoring

Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor your condition and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. Our team will schedule periodic check-ups to ensure your veins remain healthy and to catch any potential issues early.

Why Choose Benville Vein Practice?

Expertise and Experience

Our team consists of board-certified vascular surgeons and specialists who are highly experienced in the treatment and prevention of venous ulcers. Their expertise ensures that you receive the highest standard of care.

Patient-Centered Care

We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your treatment journey. From your initial consultation through to post-treatment care, we are committed to providing a supportive and compassionate environment.

Advanced Technology

Our practice is equipped with the latest medical technology, allowing us to offer effective and minimally invasive treatments. We stay at the forefront of medical advancements to provide the best possible care for our patients.


Contact Us

If you are dealing with venous ulcers and looking for expert care and prevention strategies, we invite you to contact Benville Vein Practice. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with the information and support you need.

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule a consultation or learn more about our services feel free to contact us. Trust Benville Vein Practice to help you achieve healthy, ulcer-free legs and a better quality of life.

Enquire Now

Enquire Now info@benvilleveinpractice.com | 07407 557160

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